RDC Coaching

RDC Coaching
Relationship, Dating, and Conflict (RDC) Coaching.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Dreams and Visions, Part 1: Don't let Fear Hold you Back

[People usually think that dreams are elusive and unattainable, or that what is perfect or ideal is impossible or improbable, that is fear speaking]

I wanted to write a motivating article on obtaining success, but as I wrote this I realized there are two topics I need to address and it started to get messy trying to cover both at the same time. So, lucky you, I broke it up into two articles;

Using words to describe this topic is difficult and constrained because our language doesn't have the perfect terms that are universally understood, so when I say "dreams" or "success" or "vision"s, the following articles are how I believe you should understand them. Since this blog is about relationships, you can think of this as your ideal relationship, the perfect scenario where you have an amazing relationship with another person.

The hardest part of getting exactly what you want out of life is coming up with the dream or vision for it. Most people are under the opinion that it is more difficult to achieve your goals, but I'm going to explain to you why the actual process of reaching your dreams is easy--deciding what you want to reach is the difficult part because it requires you to tap into the creative energy deep inside of you, or a better way of thinking about this is that to have visions, you have to make something out of nothing. Once you have a vision of where you want to go, it is much easier to gather the resources, do what needs to be done, and then one day arrive.
To have visions and to dream is nothing that I can help you with. Sorry, but nothing I tell you, or anyone can tell you, will make you dream better or define success. It is an individual journey that you must take on your own. You can't ask other people to help you come up with dreams for yourself, it just doesn't work that way, as I hope you will figure out the more you read.
If you can dream it, you can make it happen. The act of having visions of the future requires your mind to constrain itself to some degree of reality. If you are dreaming the right way--and of course you are--then for your dream to be desirable, there must be elements of the truth attached to it. Your mind turns the near reality into fantasy by devising some plausible--if unlikely--scenario that could unfold to make this ideal, visionary scenario happen. In other words, if you dream it up, then there has to be one or more ways that it can become real--and your subconscious knows, even if you don't.
That leads to the second hardest part about dreaming; wanting it. If you don't want the dream, desire the dream, and believe in the dream, then there is no way you'll obtain it. To have a real vision, to discover your passion, or to truly dream, you have to start by wanting something, and to keep thinking about and wanting for that thing to happen until you have a pretty general idea of how it will happen.

Alright, so you're starting to get that, but what is holding you back from achieving success, reaching your dreams, or fulfilling your visions? I see the answer to this question coming down to two categories. First, you don't believe in it enough; or second, you believe in it too much.

Part 1 - Not believing in it enough

Not believing in your dreams enough comes in a couple of different forms. We do this when we think our dreams are unattainable, when we think they aren't meant to be, or when we tell ourselves that they are just fantasies. With our relationships, we might think that we aren't good enough to be with a certain person or that that special, superb relationship will never happen for us because we're not worthy. Sometimes we aren't believing enough in our dream when we say that we don't know how to make it happen.

To clarify, people who don't think they are worthy of their dreams might say things like, "it's not in me to reach this," or, "I don't think I have earned it," or "I'm not ready, I need to work on myself more," or they might flat-out blame themselves and say, "it's my own fault."--Sadly, these statements are all true...but, if you are saying them, that means you have acknowledged them and by that point they are completely false.
--This is where language tends to constrain this concept. As I mentioned earlier, there is no functional way for me to explain this. If you don't believe in your dreams, then you are making that lack of belief come true; but when you believe firmly in your dreams, that is when you start to make them come true.

Those who think the reason they aren't achieving their dreams is because they don't know how to do it might say things like, "I don't have the skill." Or, they might say, "I don't know what I'm doing wrong," or, "I don't know if I'm doing anything right." They might even say something as silly as, "No one will teach me how," or, "I haven't learned how." --All of this is preposterous! If you say these things, then yes, you are correct (again.) You don't know how, no one has taught you, and no one will tell you what to do because they don't know. No one has written the textbook on how to do whatever it is you want to achieve because no one is an expert yet. You must be that expert. This is your opening in life to greatness--no one has been there before, no one has trod that journey. It is up to you to fill in that void in the world that only you were able to see because you took the time to dream it up and have visions of it.
There comes a time in every greatness story where the guru is surpassed by the student. This is because the student took everything that the guru could possibly teach him or her and then realized that their guru was never able to get any better because they lacked a clear vision of what it takes to be the best, and when the student is able to see that vision, it is not difficult to get from being this inferior pipsqueek that isn't capable of doing things on their own and morphing into this confident, competent and completely capable individual who ranks among the best. --is that not what we all desire when we have a vision of something?

Both the lack of know-how and the belief that we are unworthy come down to one thing and one thing only: Fear.
--Again, language breaks down at this point, but the correct term is "Fear." If you argue out both of these things in your mind they inevitably come down to being afraid. Either because you don't know and fear what is going to happen when you venture into the unknown, or because you think something bad will happen to you because of your inadequacy.
Imagine a scenario in which you must take a leap over a giant, deadly hole. If you are inadequate--that is to say, that you don't have sufficient skill to clear the gap, then you will fall and die. On the other hand, if you don't take a leap, then what does it matter if you are inadequate?--why do you worry so much over something that you aren't going to do? Why worry about taking the leap that may possibly reach your goals, if you never intended to take that leap? --Yes, it is scary, and that is pure fear. Fear is what is holding you back from taking the leap--it isn't your inadequacy and it isn't that something bad is going to happen to you, because until you try for the thing you never really know that you are inadequate, and if you take the leap and fail, but are still able to take that leap over and over and over, then the real battle isn't over your inadequacy--you have proven you are adequate enough to take the chance again--it is a battle against the fear that maybe this next time you will actually clear the gap. You fear succeeding more than you fear failure.

Fear is the real enemy that is keeping you from having the most amazing relationships of your life. Fear is the only thing that opposes you, everything else stems from fear. All of your inadequacies stem from the fear that you aren't good enough, and all of the worry you have about being a failure--that worry is actually fear. So label it correctly.

If you can conquer fear, then nothing will stop you from achieving your dreams.

As I said in the beginning, achieving your goals isn't hard. That is the easy part because all you must do is conquer whatever fear hides behind that goal and then you'll reach that goal. The hard part is really dreaming--finding the things that you really believe in and want passionately. If you dream of having an outstanding, spectacular relationship with the person of your dreams. Then you should make a point to challenge fear at every opportunity. Anything that scares you, do it, don't think about it. If that means approaching someone to introduce yourself, do it. If that means admitting to yourself, and possibly to the other person that you are attracted to them or completely in love with them, don't hesitate, just do it. Or, if that means you need to confront a conflict you are having with another person, don't avoid the situation, confront it head on, because your dream of having that amazing relationship is worth it. You're worth it, and all it will take for you to realize that is to face your fear.

Part 2 coming soon!

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